Opportunity Center Moves to Facebook

April 9, 2013

The Opportunity Center's new web-site, which launched in late February of 2013, saw some immediate success, bringing awareness to many new users on the offerings of the Opportunity Center.  While the web-site was a new bright spot on the digital frontier for the Center, it was not to be the last push into the digital world.  In the continued effort to bring awareness to the expanded community served by the Opportunity Center, we launched the new Opportunity Center-Anniston Facebook page on Monday.

The Opportunity Center which began in 1956 in downtown Anniston has seen many changes over the years.  During its time in operation it has seen the fax machine, the computer, and the internet come into existence, changing the way business is done in all instances.  The use of Facebook as a medium is just one more step forward to change with the times. 

To visit the Opportunity Center's Facebook page, check it out at https://www.facebook.com/oppcen.